JCP&L Energy Solutions for Business Programs FAQs

Program Basics

This program provides the applicant with an incentive to purchase and install electric energy-efficient equipment. The program will also consider incentives for energy-efficient measures saving both electric and gas energy (dual-fuel). The applicant submits their project information for program approval, and payment is made after the project is completed.

The Prescriptive Program offers a wide range of pre-qualified “standard” measures with a set incentive value. The Custom Program provides a path for customers involved in more complex and/or creative projects, and those not included in the Prescriptive program, the opportunity to receive financial incentives.

JCP&L offers instant discounts to participating distributors for providing pre-qualified lighting and HVAC equipment to contractors and end users at the discounted (incentive) price. 

The prescriptive incentive application will NOT be available for equipment categories that are eligible for Instant Discounts, unless the instant discount is for lighting measures with incentives greater than $7,500.

Instant Discount Program Effective Dates:

  • Lighting: 11/29/2021
  • HVAC: 1/03/2022

The program launched on July 1, 2021 for equipment purchased on or after July 1, 2021.

No application is required. The Instant Discount is applied at the point of purchase at a participating distributor. Participants may choose to purchase and install equipment themselves or use a contractor, who will work with a participating distributor to obtain the instant discount.

Step 1: Call or visit a participating distributor

  • 1. JCP&L account number
  • 2. Name and address of the business where the products will be installed
  • 3. Contact name and number

Once information is validated, the discount will be automatically applied to the purchase price. Find a Distributor

Step 2: Qualified products and equipment must be installed within 60 days following the purchase. JCP&L and/or its program administrators reserve the right to verify the installation of the equipment that was purchased by the participant and rebated by the instant discount.


What are the benefits of participating in this program?

Purchasing energy efficiency equipment can prove challenging given the other costs of running and managing a business. The program offers financial incentives to reduce the cost of the project and return on investment while realizing energy cost savings. In addition to improved cash flow, lower energy usage from more efficient equipment reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

How do I know if I am eligible to participate in the Prescriptive & Custom Program?

Your electric or electric/gas project may be eligible if you are a JCP&L customer on a commercial rate class. Please refer to your electric utility bill and see if your rate class is NOT one of the following: Residential Service (RS), Residential Time-of-Day Service (RST), or Residential Geothermal & Heat Pump Service (RGT).

Do I need to use a program ally to implement my project?

No, customers may submit projects themselves. Customers may also work through their selected program ally who can submit the project on the customer’s behalf. You do not need to use a program ally to complete your project, but only program ally can submit a project on the customer’s behalf.

What are the benefits of becoming a program ally?

Your name will be on the JCP&L program website which will provide the opportunity for customers to find your business. In addition, you will be able to submit projects on the customer’s behalf and track application progress via the web portal. You’ll also receive program updates to stay up to date on any announcements or changes to the program.

How do I become a program ally?

Please see the website for more details to sign up as a program ally. After review and approval of your program ally application by our program team, you will receive a temporary program ally login credentials. Please use your temporary credential to create a permanent login credential and become a registered program ally.

How should a registered program ally submit an incentive application on behalf of their customer?

Please use your permanent login credentials to submit an application via the program ally portal. This ensures that the Online Application (OLA) is linked to their unique company code.

What if a program ally forgets their unique username or password?

If a program ally forgets their password or login information, they should use the Forgot Password/Username feature. If the program ally is still unable to successfully log in, they should contact and request a password reset.

Can the customer assign payment to another party such as a contractor, vendor, consultant, or other entity?

Yes, the customer can assign either the full incentive or part of the incentive to another entity.

Can I (program ally) submit an application on behalf of a customer?

Yes, if you are a program ally. If not, please see – How do I become a program ally?

Is a valid Tax Clearance Certificate required of the customer to participate in the program?

A Tax Clearance Certificate is not required.

Is prevailing wage required for work conducted through the program?

The contractor should abide by the rules of the customer which may require prevailing wage. Please speak with your customer or contact the Department of Labor with any additional questions.

Is financing available?

Financing is available. Visit for more information or contact Jensen Handwork, Director of Commercial Programs & Training

p: (720) 689-2288 | e:

How do I apply for financing?

Step 1: Use the Find a Contractor tool to locate a NEIF-approved contractor.

Step 2: Apply online and receive notification of approval typically within 2-3 business days.

Step 3: Sign closing documents and work with your contractor to schedule the installation.

Is the online portal the only way to apply?


Program Process

Do I need to submit an application prior to starting my project?

Only the Custom program requires pre-approval of all applications. Custom projects are subject to pre-inspections prior to work.

For all other prescriptive projects, participants are encouraged to seek pre-approval before purchasing the proposed equipment to ensure it meets program requirements and is eligible for incentives.

If I purchased my equipment on or after July 1, 2021 (Program Launch), and have since installed the equipment, can I still be eligible for a rebate?

Yes, under certain conditions for prescriptive measures only. Program participants are encouraged to seek pre-approval before purchasing their proposed equipment to ensure it meets program requirements and is eligible for incentives. If your equipment was purchased and the project has been completed, you may apply for incentives no later than 180 days after project completion. (Completion is defined as all equipment being installed and operable.) 

If I have multiple energy efficiency measures, how do I apply?

Prescriptive lighting and lighting controls can be included in the same application. All other prescriptive energy efficiency measures must be submitted on a separate application, even if they are part of a larger project or scope of work.

After I submit my application, how do I know when I can start my project?

You will receive an offer letter from your case manager indicating the project has been reviewed and the incentive and savings have been confirmed. It will also outline next steps, so you are aware of what to expect as the project approaches payment.

What if I do not see my equipment or technology type on the application?

For measures not included on the prescriptive list, please contact a program representative for assistance. The measure may be considered eligible for an incentive through the custom path.

What is the difference between Custom Equipment and Custom Building Improvements?

Custom equipment is energy efficiency measures that are unique or non-standard in design and not included in the prescriptive list (e.g. building management systems (BMS), industrial process improvements, electric chillers, data center systems); Custom Building Improvements include measures that improve the building’s envelope (e.g. energy efficient windows, high R-value insulation). Both of these measure types fall under the Custom Program and may be applied for in the same manner through the online portal.

Are LED fixtures replaced with LED fixtures of a lower wattage eligible for incentives?


What LED wattage and/or lumens should I be reporting on the online application?

The wattage and lumens are based on the Design Lights Consortium (DLC) or ENERGY STAR listing.

Is the lighting incentive based on the wattage reduced?

Prescriptive lighting incentives are based on the number of fixtures replaced, and not on wattage reduction. Eligibility is limited to a 1 for 1 replacement. 

How do I get paid once I complete my project?

Your project offer letter will contain instructions on the next steps including the list of documentation required for project verification and payment. Certain projects will undergo inspection prior to payment.

Can someone other than the customer sign the application?

No, applications must be signed by the customer.

What is the per customer and per facility incentive cap?

There currently is no defined cap in terms of incentives per year or per account customer however the program may implement these caps with or without notice and also reserves the right to approve or deny projects based on available funds.

What purpose do inspections serve?

There are two potential inspections. The first potential inspection verifies that the new equipment is not installed prior to application approval as well as verify the existing conditions. The second potential inspection is after approval, but before payment, and verifies that the project installation is complete, equipment is operational, and the details of the project are correct.

What is the turnaround time for a pre-inspection once an application is sent in?

The time between application and pre-inspection is generally dictated based on customer availability. In general, it is approximately 2-3 weeks.

If I cannot complete my project within the allotted timeframe of 90 days, can I request additional time to complete my project?

Yes, subject to program approval, the program may provide extensions of expiration dates upon request. The request should be in writing and sent via email to the case manager.

Do extensions have a standard duration?

At this time, the extensions will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. The extension request should clearly define the reason and timeframe needed to complete the project.

What if I want to cancel my project?

You may cancel a project application by making a request in writing and sent via email to the project manager.