Instant Discounts

JCP&L’s Energy Solutions for Business Program offers instant discounts for lighting and HVAC equipment for JCP&L business customers at participating distributors.

  • For small maintenance lighting projects installed by you, your team, or by your contractor
  • Not available for new construction. Please reach out to the New Jersey Clean Energy program for available new construction incentives.
  • Open to business customers of all sizes.
  • Contractors or customers may purchase specific, pre-qualified products from participating distributors at a discounted (incentive) price.
  • No incentive application is required. Simply provide the address of the building for installation, name of the customer, account number and building type.
  • Participating distributors will be reimbursed by the program.

JCP&L customers must pursue Instant Discount rebates through the program approved participating distributors wherever an Instant Discount is available for qualified Lighting and HVAC equipment. With the exception of lighting, the prescriptive incentive application will NOT be available for equipment categories that are eligible for Instant Discounts.

Customers undertaking a larger lighting upgrade that includes lighting products eligible under the Prescriptive Lighting program and the Instant Discount Lighting program can submit a single Prescriptive Lighting application.

For all lighting projects that exceed $50,000 in incentive funds, pre-approval must be submitted and approved before completing the sale. Certain projects above the $50,000 threshold may be found eligible if submitted for pre-approval prior to the sale of eligible lighting products. The customer may submit a Prescriptive Lighting application for consideration by the program if their Instant Discount Lighting Application above the $50,000 threshold was denied.

Pre-approval is not required for HVAC equipment.

Customers should be prepared to provide their utility bill account number, business name and facility address as they appear on their JCP&L electric bill to an approved distributor to confirm eligibility.


Effective 11/29/21 contractors or customers may purchase specific, pre-qualified lighting products from participating distributors to receive an instant discount.


Effective 1/03/22 contractors or customers may purchase specific, pre-qualified HVAC products from participating distributors to receive an instant discount.

Effective 11/29/21 contractors or customers may purchase specific, pre-qualified lighting products from participating distributors to receive an instant discount.

Effective 1/03/22 contractors or customers may purchase specific, pre-qualified HVAC products from participating distributors to receive an instant discount.

Effective 3/10/2022 contractors or customers may purchase specific, pre-qualified Food Service Equipment from participating distributors to receive an instant discount.

No application is required. The Instant Discount is applied at the point of purchase at a participating distributor. Participants may choose to purchase and install equipment themselves or use a contractor, who will work with a participating distributor to obtain the instant discount.

Step 1: Call or Visit a Participating Distributor

Provide the following information:

  1. JCP&L account number
  2. Name and address of the business where the products will be installed
  3. Contact name and number

Once information is validated, the discount will be automatically applied to the purchase price.

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Step 2: Install Equipment

Qualified products and equipment must be installed within 60 days following the purchase. JPC&L and/or its program administrators reserve the right to verify the installation of the equipment that was purchased by the participant and rebated by the Instant Discount.

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