Custom Incentives

Your business can receive incentives for installing new energy-saving equipment. The Custom program is designed for projects that do not fall under the Prescriptive program. Through the Custom pathway, we help customers develop tailored projects that best meet their unique facility and organizational goals. Custom projects are typically multi-measure or optimization solutions for which customers earn performance-based incentives using $/kWh. Pre-approval is required for all incentives before any equipment is purchased or installed and incentives are calculated based on how much you’ll save in kilowatt hours (kWh) and installed cost.

Custom incentives are available through two pathways – Custom Equipment and Custom Building Improvements.

Custom Equipment Program

Incentives are available for compressed air (excluding maintenance or repair for air system leaks), refrigeration, HVAC, building optimization, process improvements, custom lighting projects, and more.

Custom Building Improvement Program

This program pathway is for retrofitting existing building shells, retrofitting existing electrical & electric mechanical components to higher efficiency components and the installation of building energy management systems.

Review our Incentive Guide to learn more. If you are unsure if your project is eligible for a Custom Equipment or Custom Buildings incentive, please contact us before applying.

Pre-approval is required for all incentives before any equipment is purchased or installed and incentives are calculated based on how much you’ll save in kilowatt hours (kWh) and anticipated installed cost.

July 1, 2021 – December 31, 2024

Step 1: Review the Incentive Guide to see if your project qualifies for an incentive and to ensure that the project is not a prescriptive measure.
Step 2: Apply by submitting an online application.
Step 3: Applications are reviewed in the order they are received. Projects may be selected for a pre-inspection.
Step 4: Project approved; Incentive offer delivered. Incentive Offer must be signed and returned within 30 days of being issued. Project must be installed and operational within 90 days. Extensions may be available on a case-by-case basis.
Step 5: Customer signs and returns incentive offer, begins project Once the incentive offer is signed and returned, the customer is free to purchase and install the energy efficient equipment.
Step 6: Customer submits project completion paperwork for review. Projects may be selected for post-inspection.
Step 7:
Final review of project. Incentives are subject to change based on final scope of work.
Step 8: Receive incentive payment.