Retro Commissioning (RCx)
As a large commercial and industrial (C&I) customer, you can enhance your building management systems and controls through energy efficiency measures. By undergoing a comprehensive evaluation of your facilities, you ensure your building systems perform at peak efficiency.
The process begins with a detailed building audit, followed by developing an actionable plan and a Measurement and Verification (M&V) plan designed to maintain ongoing energy efficiency. Incentives cover up to 100% of the initial costs associated with conducting the necessary ASHRAE-level audit, with the total project incentive will be capped at 70% of the overall project expenses. You may also receive a custom incentive for implementing energy efficiency measures identified during the audit.
RCx services include:
- Optimizing chiller and boiler operations to better match building load conditions
- Reducing ventilation in over-ventilated areas
- Fixing ventilation dampers that are open when they shouldn’t be, or vice versa
- Decreasing supply air pressure setpoints and rebalancing systems
- Aligning zone temperature setpoints to reflect the building’s actual operating schedule
Looking for RCx opportunities for small-to-medium-sized C&I buildings?
RCx-Lite uses an assessment tool, allowing for a streamlined process through the program with expedited savings.
RCx-Lite services include:
- Air-side HVAC, Plan-side HVAC, and DHW tune-ups
- Compressed sir system maintenance and leak repair
- Air-sealing and envelope repairs/treatments
- Thermostat schedules and set point adjustments
- Economizer repair and HVAC control restoration
- Pump and VFD system optimization
- Reduce outdoor air rates to code
- Sequence return, outdoor air, and exhaust dampers
- Clean and/or replace filters
- Duct leakage sealing and duct insulation repair
- Clean and repair radiators, convectors, baseboards, and finned-tube heater
- Repair CHW, HW, and DHW pipe and DHW tank insulation
- Restore lighting controls and adjust lighting schedules
- Lighting optimization